
The Release Engineering - Autorelease project is targeted at building the artifacts that are used in the release candidates and final full release.

Cloning Autorelease

To clone all the autorelease repo including it’s submodules simply run the clone command with the ‘’‘–recursive’‘’ parameter.

git clone --recursive

If you forgot to add the –recursive parameter to your git clone you can pull the submodules after with the following commands.

git submodule init
git submodule update

Creating Autorelease - Release and RC build

An autorelease release build comes from the autorelease-release-<branch> job which can be found on the autorelease tab in the releng master:

For example to create a Boron release candidate build launch a build from the autorelease-release-boron job by clicking the ‘’‘Build with Parameters’‘’ button on the left hand menu:


The only field that needs to be filled in is the ‘’‘RELEASE_TAG’‘’, leave all other fields to their default setting. Set this to Boron, Boron-RC0, Boron-RC1, etc... depending on the build you’d like to create.

Adding Autorelease staging repo to settings.xml

If you are building or testing this release in such a way that requires pulling some of the artifacts from the Nexus repo you may need to modify your settings.xml to include the staging repo URL as this URL is not part of ODL Nexus’ public or snapshot groups. If you’ve already cloned the recommended settings.xml for building ODL you will need to add an additional profile and activate it by adding these sections to the “<profiles>” and “<activeProfiles>” sections (please adjust accordingly).


  • This is an example and you need to “Add” these example sections to your settings.xml do not delete your existing sections.
  • The URLs in the <repository> and <pluginRepository> sections will also need to be updated with the staging repo you want to test.
