Unified Secure Channel


The Unified Secure Channel (USC) feature provides REST API, manager, and plugin for unified secure channels. The REST API provides a northbound api. The manager monitors, maintains, and provides channel related services. The plugin handles the lifecycle of channels.

USC Channel Architecture

  • USC Agent
    • The USC Agent provides proxy and agent functionality on top of all standard protocols supported by the device. It initiates call-home with the controller, maintains live connections with with the controller, acts as a demuxer/muxer for packets with the USC header, and authenticates the controller.
  • USC Plugin
    • The USC Plugin is responsible for communication between the controller and the USC agent . It responds to call-home with the controller, maintains live connections with the devices, acts as a muxer/demuxer for packets with the USC header, and provides support for TLS/DTLS.
  • USC Manager
    • The USC Manager handles configurations, high availability, security, monitoring, and clustering support for USC.
  • USC UI
    • The USC UI is responsible for displaying a graphical user interface representing the state of USC in the OpenDaylight DLUX UI.

USC Channel APIs and Interfaces

This section describes the APIs for interacting with the unified secure channels.

USC Channel Topology API

The USC project maintains a topology that is YANG-based in MD-SAL. These models are available via RESTCONF.

API Reference Documentation

Go to http://${ipaddress}:8181/apidoc/explorer/index.html, sign in, and expand the usc-channel panel. From there, users can execute various API calls to test their USC deployment.