Fabric As A Service

FaaS (Fabric As A service) has two layers of APIs. We describe the top level API in the user guide. This document focuses on the Fabric level API and describes each API’s semantics and example implementation. The second layer defines an abstraction layer called ‘’Fabric‘’ API. The idea is to abstract network into a topology formed by a collections of fabric objects other than varies of physical devices.Each Fabric object provides a collection of unified services.The top level API enables application developers or users to write applications to map high level model such as GBP, Intent etc… into a logical network model, while the lower level gives the application more control to individual fabric object level. More importantly the Fabric API is more like SP (Service Provider API) a fabric provider or vendor can implement the SPI based on its own Fabric technique such as TRILL, SPB etc …

For how to use first level API operation, please refer to user guide for more details.

FaaS Architecture

FaaS Architecture is an 3 layered architecture, on the top is the FaaS Application layer, in the middle is the Fabric manager and at the bottom are different types of fabric objects. From bottom up, it is

Fabric and its controller (Fabric Controller)
The Fabric object provides an abstraction of a homogeneous network or portion of the network and also has a built in Fabric controller which provides management plane and control plane for the fabric. The fabric controller implements the services required in Fabric Service and monitor and control the fabric operation.
Fabric Manager
Fabric Manager manages all the fabric objects. also Fabric manager acts as a Unified Fabric Controller which provides inter-connect fabric control and configuration Also Fabric Manager is FaaS API service via Which FaaS user level logical network API (the top level API as mentioned previously) exposed and implemented.
FaaS renderer for GBP (Group Based Policy)
FaaS renderer for GBP is an application of FaaS and provides the rendering service between GBP model and logical network model provided by Fabric Manager.

Fabric APIs and Interfaces

FaaS APIs have 4 groups as defined below

Fabric Provisioning API
This set of APIs is used to create and remove Fabric Abstractions, in other words, those APIs is to provision the underlay networks and prepare to create overlay network(the logical network) on top of it.
Fabric Service API
This set of APIs is used to create logical network over the Fabrics.
EndPoint API
EndPoint API is used to bind a physical port which is the location of the attachment of an EndPoint happens or will happen.
Those APIs are for Operations, Administration and Maintenance purpose and In current release, OAM API is not implemented yet.

API Reference Documentation

Go to http://${ipaddress}:8181/restconf/apidoc/index.html and expand on ‘’FaaS‘’ related panel for more APIs.